Feb. 12, 2020

87- How to encourage love and kindness in the music room

87- How to encourage love and kindness in the music room

In podcast episode 87, we're going to talk about how to encourage love and kindness in the music room.   As a music teacher, your job is to obviously teach music, but it's so much more than that.  Your job is to also help bring up good citizens who will grow into good adults one day too. 

It's hard to do this in the music room.  You're limited for time, and only have a few minutes each week to teach music to your students.  So, how in the world are you also supposed to talk to your students about character too?  

Well listen in, because we'll explore strategies and ideas for helping you to do just that!

Read the blog post that goes right along with this episode here. 

I'd love for you to leave a rating and a review of the podcast on I-tunes, be sure to share the podcast with any music teacher friends who would find it helpful and be sure to tag me on Instagram or Facebook.