Sept. 13, 2018

#ELB 60 The importance of connecting with your community with Milford, PA Mayor Sean Strub

#ELB 60 The importance of connecting with your community with Milford, PA Mayor Sean Strub

Saturday, September 22, 2018
#ELB 60 Connecting with your community with Milford, PA Mayor Sean ...

Saturday, September 22, 2018
#ELB 60 Connecting with your community with Milford, PA Mayor Sean Strub...
Education Leadership and Beyond: Surviving & Thriving with Andrew Marotta.
Enjoy the Podcast: Facebook live & On Itunes.
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In episode #60 of #ELB, we meet Milford, PA Mayor Sean Strub. In our conversation, Sean and I discuss the importance of building a relationship between the local community and the school district. Sean has this relationship with Milford’s schools: Delaware Valley SD (PA). As a school leader, this is very important for you to be a connector--a multiplier of people to be able to make connections that will help kids. Whether it is asking a local business that you frequent for a donation or getting tickets for your students for a local writers festival through the mayor's office, it very important for you to develop and cultivate these relationships.

I am at Port Jervis HS in OC, NY and I have been blessed to be there for 14 yrs (7 as AP). In my book, The Principal: Surviving & Thriving, I describe this point in tip #38: Get to know key people in the community. In my phone I have the following phone numbers handy ready to contact in a moments notice: the police chief, the mayor, business leaders, the county legislator, the YMCA director, the library director, the district attorney, the probation officer, the funeral home director, etc, etc. You get the point. Be a connector in your school community….The school is the community and the community is the school. There are always situations where you will need these people to assist with students and issues happening within the school. Work on these relationships, even call them all together if need be. When the school leaders and the community leaders work together only good things can happen for kids. #Makeithappen.
Book Recommendation: Sean's book: Body Counts A memoir of politics, sex, aids, and survival.
Quote: If it is to be, it is up to me!

Enjoy the podcast. Order your copy of The Principal: Surviving and Thriving today!
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