Aug. 24, 2023

Mary Pieroni Harper - The Sound of Her Voice: My Blind Parent’s Story - 591

Mary Pieroni Harper - The Sound of Her Voice: My Blind Parent’s Story - 591

Mary Pieroni Harper - The Sound of Her Voice: My Blind Parent's Story. This is episode 591 of my podcast Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Mary Pieroni Harper is a happily retired psychotherapist and author of The Sound of Her Voice:...

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Teaching Learning Leading K-12

Mary Pieroni Harper - The Sound of Her Voice: My Blind Parent's Story. This is episode 591 of my podcast Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.

Mary Pieroni Harper is a happily retired psychotherapist and author of The Sound of Her Voice: My Blind Parents’ Story. Her stirring book documents the remarkable lives of her parents from the time they fell in love at the Indiana School for the Blind through their challenges, determination, and successes as blind people.

Born in Muncie, Indiana and a graduate of the University of Virginia, Harper earned her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Houston. Perhaps as a legacy from helping her parents with everything from reading their mail to them to inspecting their clothing for spots, she has always been interested in helping others.

She became active in the Fibromyalgia Association of Houston after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1992 and has served in leadership capacities, including newsletter editor of The Fibromyalgia Connection, and as president for 15 years.

Harper has two adult children and loves being a grandmother. They are part of the legacy her husband, Jeff, left behind when he died after a short battle with cancer in 2012. She lives with a blind rescue cat in Houston, Texas.

For more information, please consult:

What an inspiring story!

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Length - 49:03